RARE Heer (Army) Panzer Artillery Officer Wrapper for Captain


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Incredibly rare black wrapper as worn by Panzer crews, this example has red piped collar tabs and shoulderboards, indicating this would have been worn by an Officer in a Panzer Artillery regiment. The wrapper boards show a regimental number and 2 gold pipes indicating the rank of Captain. The uniform was period shortened as was the custom for a better look, the right chest shows a wonderful and very rare period machine sewn 1sr pattern black flatwire breast eagle, this along with the rare red tabs are worth a small fortune in their own right. One of the button holes shows the ribbon for the Iron Cross 2nd Class as well as the Eastern Front medal. The inside makers marks and sizing is heavily faded and very hard to make out, the belt ramps have the equipment hooks. Overall there is one small moth nip that can not really be noticed on the sleeve, a wonderful wrapper to a very rare member of the Panzer Artillery!

Note – The Black Wrap with red piping was part of the early uniform of the Sturmartillerie crews, the Black Wrap w red tabs continued to be worn throughout the war (the other experimental StuG wrap with dark green collar) by StuG crews (mostly Officer) as a “presentation” ceremonial uniforms or for portrait shots. We can also notice that the “old” Black Wraps were retained by the StuG School Juterbog in period photographs from the time. .