1943 “Iraq” Afrika Korps Campaign Ring – (Niello Style)



Recently found out of a well known D.A.K (Deutsch Afrika Korps) collection was an array of German WWII period campaign rings, these rings were made by in country suppliers all throughout the war and worn by the men who fought in these campaigns, or visited places on leave. This example is textbook and as nice as they come. This ring shows the camel being ridden in the desert with palm tree image, one side has the year date of 1943 (the last year the Wehrmacht would occupy the region) as well as “Iraq” on the other side. So called “neillo style” these examples are very well known in the collector community. Iraq was pro Third Reich Germany during the war, men would visit here on leave and fight close to the area at the end of the Campaign.

Note – Neillo style refers to the process in which this type of ring was made. Niello is a black mixture, usually of sulfar, copper, silver, and lead, used as an inlay on engraved or etched metal, especially silver. It is added as a powder or paste, then fired until it melts or at least softens, and flows or is pushed into engraved lines in the metal. It hardens and blackens when cool, and the niello on the flat surface is polished off to show the filled lines in black, contrasting with the polished metal around it.